I’m back!!!
After a very long hiatus I am finally back, so much has changed in my life that kept me away from the community. One of the prime reasons was I recently became a father of a beautiful baby girl! Now that the insomnia is gone I can get back to sharing what little knowledge I can with everyone.
Why Airflow
Loads of people use Airflow so I won’t be going into why its a great workflow scheduler but I think one of the main problems in introducing it into established organizations (read corporate) is how hard it is to work with AD. AD is the defacto standard on how large corporations do authentication. Of course Airflow does support LDAP but that also means working with networking teams and a mountain of red tape that most engineers will just not see the ROI. OKTA is meant to solve this because it means I just have to talk to one team and as long as my application supports logging in via OKTA
Ok then, it should be fairly straightforward…
Sadly there is a lack of resources on how to implement airflow with OKTA specifically. This was posted in the OKTA forums recently but there isnt a clear guide on how to do it. Since Airflow is essentially a Flask app, we can integrate it via OKTA by adding some packages. This is what I will attempt to help with since I recently had to implement it for work
Enough talk, show me some code
If you are anything like me you are just scrolling through this post looking for code so that is why I try to have code as early as possible. If possible, it’s best to try this out locally, there are various docker-airflow setups you can use. I personally use Puckel’s repo.
The first thing you need to do is create an OIDC app on your OKTA portal. You can easily set up your own developer portal to try this out! For this example let us take my portal of "https://discoverysamelamin.okta.com
Once you do that you need 2 things, - the client id and secret - The redirect URL. You will be using this to tell OKTA that this URL is a valid application
Once you have those 2 things, the hard part starts. First of all you need to enable RBAC
in your airflow.cfg
file. You will also need to set the environment variable AIRFLOW__WEBSERVER__RBAC
to True’
This is needed by the packages to authenticate via OKTA The packages needed can be found below
Next, we use the client details to create the client_secret.json
, this is the file that our FAB packages will use to know how to authenticate with OKTA. I saved this file on my AIRFLOW home directory /usr/local/airflow/client_secret.json
. To help below is my file
"web": {
"client_id": "xxxxxxxxx",
"client_secret": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"auth_uri": "https://discoverysamelamin.okta.com/oauth2/v1/authorize",
"token_uri": "https://discoverysamelamin.okta.com/oauth2/v1/token",
"userinfo_uri": "https://discoverysamelamin.okta.com/oauth2/v1/userinfo",
"issuer": "https://discoverysamelamin.okta.com",
"redirect_uris": [
We also need to generate a webserver_config.py
file. I saved this in my Airflow HOME directory as well.
Please note that we have to pass the location of the OIDC_CLIENT_SERCRETS
Mine was
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Default configuration for the Airflow webserver"""
import os
from fab_oidc.security import AirflowOIDCSecurityManager
from flask_appbuilder.security.manager import AUTH_OID
from airflow.configuration import conf
basedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
OIDC_CLIENT_SECRETS = '/usr/local/airflow/client_secret.json'
OIDC_SCOPES = ['openid', 'email', 'profile', 'groups']
Unfortunately, this isn’t enough, we still need to patch on of the packages to make it work with Airflow. I generated a patch file which I then overwrite in the package directory. The patch file is below
# Patch for fab-oidc to enable OKTA integration with Airflow
import os
import os
from flask import redirect, request
from flask_appbuilder.security.views import AuthOIDView
from flask_login import login_user
from flask_admin import expose
from urllib.parse import quote
class AuthOIDCView(AuthOIDView):
@expose('/login/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def login(self, flag=True):
sm = self.appbuilder.sm
oidc = sm.oid
def handle_login():
info = oidc.user_getinfo(['email', 'given_name', 'family_name'])
email = info.get('email')
user = sm.find_user(username=email)
if user is None:
user = sm.add_user(
login_user(user, remember=False)
return redirect(self.appbuilder.get_url_for_index)
return handle_login()
@expose('/logout/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def logout(self):
oidc = self.appbuilder.sm.oid
super(AuthOIDCView, self).logout()
redirect_url = request.url_root.strip(
'/') + self.appbuilder.get_url_for_login
logout_uri = oidc.client_secrets.get(
'issuer') + '/protocol/openid-connect/logout?redirect_uri='
if 'OIDC_LOGOUT_URI' in self.appbuilder.app.config:
logout_uri = self.appbuilder.app.config['OIDC_LOGOUT_URI']
return redirect(logout_uri + quote(redirect_url))
And you guessed it, I put this file in the Airflow directory. Also as part of my entrypoint script, I apply this patch. Below is a snippet from the entrypoint
cp /usr/local/airflow/fab-oidc-patch.py /usr/local/airflow/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fab_oidc/views.py
rm -rf /usr/local/airflow/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fab_oidc/__pycache__/
Please note my packages were installed on python3.7 so you might want to look into your environment and change accordingly
Final Gotchas
Before you enable login, you might need an admin user already set up on airflow, but I am yet to validate if this is needed or not so that is why I did not include it in this tutorial. But feel free to drop me a message or even better send a PR as help for anyone else attempting to do this.
Thank you!
Finally thank you, I am not sure if people benefit from my data pipeline series but if you have, please drop me a note and ill add to it. Otherwise thank you for your time and as always feedback is always welcome